Supporting clinicians to assess fitness-to-drive.

DriveSafe DriveAware - our flagship iPad product used by clinicians internationally.

Research and Development of Evidence based Screening Tools to Assess Driving Fitness.

At DriveSafe Diagnostics, we research and develop cutting-edge screening tools. These tools enable clinicians to confidently and quantitatively assess an individual's fitness to drive. By streamlining this crucial aspect of road safety assessment, we empower clinicians to make informed decisions while prioritising patient and public safety.

Easy to Use Products

Our goal is to create user-friendly screening tools that are intuitive, efficient, and reliable. We understand that clinicians require industry-leading solutions that align with their day-to-day practices. Our development team collaborates closely with clinicians and end users to gather feedback and incorporate needs into the design process.
We rely on advanced software engineering techniques and agile methodologies. By embracing iterative development cycles, we ensure that prototypes are rapidly refined based on clinician input. This iterative approach guarantees that the final product will be tailored precisely to clinicians' requirements, enhancing their confidence in its effectiveness.

Quantitative and Reliable Assessments

At DriveSafe Diagnostics, we support the assessment of an individual's fitness to drive with evidence based and practical tests. By leveraging advanced algorithms, we transform observations and data into quantifiable metrics, providing clinicians with objective insights. The reliance on our tools empowers clinicians to substantiate their assessments, instilling greater confidence in their decision-making process.

Our Goal

At DriveSafe Diagnostics, we take pride in supporting clinicians with effective tools to guide conversations about driving fitness with patients and their families.

Want to learn more?

  • Our Research

    Learn about the research and clinical trials underpinning our products.

  • Our Products

    Learn about the products we have available and what we are planning to release.

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